Hajek Games is a website developed by Jesse Hajek. All games on this website are download only and are free of adware and spyware. Games can be downloaded to a temporary folder to prevent taking up space on your computer's memory by selecting open instead of download when you click the link on the game you want to play. All of the games on this site must be used on a windows computer, preferably windows 95 or later. Updates will be once a week. For any problems contact me at HajekGames@gmail.com. All current games are created with gamemaker 7 pro from http://www.yoyogames.com. I am trying to start programming with the Torque game engine, a shareware product made by garage games at http://www.torquepowered.com/.

Operation FIeld Trip

I am now developing a few professional quality games for sale on my website, these are nice games and are very affordable while all procedes go to my high school class for OFT (operation Field Trip). OFT lets high school students at Willow Creek High School to have one trip somewhere, state parks, amusement parks, museums, etc., and apply what they learned in school in the real world wherever it is that they go to. The more funding that we have, the more choices we have and the better OFT will be for us. I will have a special section of my website and all of the games on there will be used to fund OFT for my class and those that come after mine. Please help support our schools education and contribute to the school. the schools website can be found here.

Games currently under development:

Orbz 2 Gold Version, The final version of the orbz 2 video game, completely different from the other versions of orbz, this game contains training, better controls, characters, and a good storyline. As a continuation of my very first video game, this is without a doubt the best game that i have made so far. This game will be released in February 2011.

Aeterna, a fantasy style role-playing game.

Dino Doom, 3D first person shooting game, a demo of this game is now complete.

Flier full version, Demo is already on the website.

3d escape full version.

soon uploading Bear Bounce, just going through some last minute programming checks.

Games on website:


Orbz 2 Bronze Version

Orbz 2 Silver Version

Simple Sniper

Flier demo

3D Escape Demo Version

Space Shooter

Dino Doom Demo Version

Search Engine